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                                                                  A BRIEF DEMONSTRATION.

Enclosed in our package we have.

Q tips.

Cotton ball.

3oz bottle of natural motion sickness solution.

1st clean your ear of any excess wax.

2nd tilt your head and gently squeeze the bottle until you feel the oil enter the ear canal.

3rd place a piece of cotton ball in the opening of the ear to hold the oil in the ear.




1st clean your ear of any excess wax.

2nd tilt your head and gently squeeze the bottle until you feel the oil enter into the ear canal.

3rd place a piece of the cotton ball in the opening of the ear to hold the oil in the ear.

One application should last for several days.

Only use this product only when you feel that motion sickness will become a problem.

Repeat only when necessary.


As a disclaimer this product is just a remedy and not a cure for motion sickness.

Results may vary between each individual.

Always consider talking with your medical provider before taking this product.

A Brief DemostrationArtist Name
00:00 / 01:08
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